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Canvas Update - Winter 2025

Here's what's new for Winter - 2025 

Additional updates will be added throughout the quarter. Newest updates at the top. 

Announcements - Added Option

On the Announcement Edit page, the Participants must respond to the topic before viewing other replies checkbox is added. This feature encourages independent thinking and engagement. By requiring participants to respond before seeing others' replies, it promotes original contributions and prevents bias from reading peers' responses first.

The Participants must respond to the topic before viewing other replies checkbox is available when instructors choose to allow participants to comment.

Note:  To view and be able to select the Added Option when drafting an announcement, the user must deselect ‘Disable comments on announcements.’  To disable, navigate to Settings> Course Settings> (scroll down) deselect option> click Update Course Details. 

Discussions - Peer Review Text Update

When assigning automatic peer reviews in a Discussion, the date label is changed to Assign Reviews, replacing the previous label, Reviews Due. This update ensures consistent language between peer-reviewed assignments and peer-reviewed discussions.

When automatically assigning peer reviews, the date label is changed to Assign Reviews.

Groups - Course Name Added to Group Tray

In the Group Tray, groups display the associated course name. This feature helps users quickly identify each group’s course, reducing confusion and improving navigation.

In the Group Tray, students can view a group's course information.

Rubrics - Leaving Editor Warning

When exiting the Rubric Edit page, instructors see a warning indicating that unsaved work will be lost. This update helps prevent instructors from accidentally losing their work by alerting them to save changes before leaving the Rubric Editor page. This ensures that time and effort spent on editing rubrics aren't unintentionally lost.

A Warning modal displays when exiting the Rubric Edit page.

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