Review Process
The Review Process
Step 1. Teaching and Learning Objective: LTS will discuss the request with the instructor to understand what the instructor is trying to achieve by using this tool.
Step 2. Review of Similar Tools: LTS will review comparable tools, including those which may be currently licensed to LTS/Stanford, to determine if the instructor's needs can be met by a tool already available.
Step 3. Funding for License Fee: If the requested tool requires a license fee, a source of funding needs to be determined. Please note that LTS has limited funding for licensing tools and only funds those tools that are used broadly across campus.
Step 4. Technical and Pedagogical Assessment: If no currently supported tool serves the instructor’s needs, LTS will conduct a functionality test of the requested tool to determine if:
- The tool is technically sound, functions properly and works as expected
- The tool provides a satisfactory user experience for teachers and students, with an intuitive interface and workflow
- The tool accomplishes the pedagogical task desired by the instructor
Step 5. Agreement with Company: Assuming the tool passes the Technical and Pedagogical Assessment, LTS will start the licensing process, which includes a security review, an accessibility review, and a contract negotiation for price and terms of use. While an agreement for a short-term limited pilot may take less time, the multi-phase review process for a full license agreement may take many months to complete and often depends on the third-party’s timely responses to our communications.