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Changes to the Collaborations tool

Canvas Collaborations

Canvas Collaborations allows a whole class or selected members to collaboratively edit Google Documents with their Stanford Google account. Google Drive (LTI 1.3) fully replaced the outgoing Google Docs option in Winter 2024. You can try the newer version of Google-based collaborations this fall by following these directions


Google Drive (LTI 1.3) as it appears in Collaborations

Changes you’ll see

In addition to a more modern and secure experience, the latest Google Drive (LTI 1.3) option features the following differences:

  • More file type options: In addition to Google Documents, class members can collaborate on Google Sheets,  Presentations, Forms, Drawings, and Sites.
  • Add all students with one checkbox: the latest has a checkbox to select all members of your class at once, as well as the ability to select individuals. 
  • Collaborate with groups in the Canvas People/Groups tool: Google Docs collaborations had a tab for Groups that allowed you to choose an entire group. Google Drive (LTI 1.3) collaborations doesn’t have a Groups tab in the Collaborations tool, but you can still navigate to People, then select a Group, then visit a group as an instructor or as a student to find the group-specific Collaboration tool.  

Canvas Collaborations Change Timeline

Dec 20, 2023: Google Docs will no longer automatically appear as an option in Collaborations in Canvas and previously created Google Doc-based Collaborations will be hidden. You can email to request that Google Docs options be unhidden in a Canvas course. 

June 23, 2024: Google Docs option in Canvas Collaborations will no longer be available.

If you need any assistance and/or have any feedback about the Google Drive (LTI 1.3) collaborations option, please contact

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