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End-of-Quarter Tips for Teachers

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1. Manage course access after the quarter ends

Courses in Canvas convert to read-only access after the quarter ends (usually the Sunday after grades are due) and are removed from the active course dashboard. Students can no longer submit assignments or post discussions. Teachers have an additional month of active use after the term ends to add/edit content, enter grades, and add people, then courses become read-only for them as well. If you want to communicate with students or conduct other course activities after the quarter ends, make sure to extend the course end date with the instructions below.

To keep a course active after the quarter is over:

  • Go to Settings at the bottom of the course navigation menu.
  • In the Course Details tab, change Participation from Term to Course, if not already set to Course.
  • Enter a future date/time in the Ends field to define how long you want the course to be active.
  • Click the Update Course Details button at the bottom of the page.

To disable student access to a course after the quarter is over:

  • Go to Settings at the bottom of the course navigation menu.
  • In the Course Details tab, check the ‘Restrict students from viewing course after end date’ option.
  • Click the Update Course Details button at the bottom of the page.

2. Submit final course grades

Canvas does not send final course grades to Axess. Final course grades must be entered directly in Axess. Please see Grading resources from Student Services for more details.

3. Enable teaching assistant evaluations

If your Teaching Assistants need to receive evaluations from students, work with your department to make sure they have been added to the course as TAs within Axess. If you added your TAs to Canvas only, students will not be able to provide evaluations for them.

Axess website image

4. Access past courses

Courses in Canvas remain available to teachers indefinitely, to view, download or re-use content.

To find past courses after the quarter is over:

  • Click Courses in the left-hand global navigation menu.
  • Click the All Courses link.
  • Scroll to the Past Enrollments section of the All Courses page.
All Courses is found in the Courses flyout menu

To import past course content into a new Canvas course:

  • From your new Canvas course, click Settings at the bottom of the course navigation menu.
  • Click the Import Content into this Course button.
  • Select Copy a Canvas Course, then pick your past course from the drop-down menu.
  • Select to the option to copy specific content, then select the types of content or content items you want to import to your new course.
  • See this Import Content guide for full instructions.
import course content