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Canvas Update – Summer 2023

Here’s what’s new for Summer 2023

(Additional updates will be added throughout the quarter. Newest updates at the top.)

SCRIBE in Canvas Files tool

The original  Stanford Converter into Braille and E-Text (SCRIBE) tool has been available in all Canvas course navigation menus for a few years. SCRIBE is a self-serve document conversion tool to transform text and image-based files into a variety of accessible output options. The Stanford Canvas team recently installed an new version so that users can convert files found in the Canvas Files tool. Files eligible to be converted will display an S icon. Click the S, set the parameters, and wait for the converted file to arrive to your email address. 

Fall 2023 Canvas Course Creation

Fall 2023 Canvas courses are currently available on Canvas. If you do not see a course you are teaching in Fall 2023, confirm the course is listed on Axess and then reach out to Our team can help get the Canvas course set up. 

Announcements: Unpublished Course Warning

When creating an announcement in an unpublished course, a warning displays at the top of the page that notifications are not sent for unpublished courses. There’s also a note to use the Delay Posting option if instructors want to generate a notification.

Announcements: Editing an Announcement Warning

When editing an existing announcement, a warning displays at the top of the page that users will not receive notifications for edited announcements. To ensure new notifications are sent out to students for edited announcements, a new announcement must be created or use the Delay Posting future to select a future date and time.

Inbox: Number of Recipients

When composing an Inbox message to all members of a course with a specific role, the number of users in that role displays.

RCE: Edit Course link Sidebar

Course links added to the Rich Content Editor (RCE) will allow users to view the name of the current link and choose a replacement link. Previously, users could only update the text and view the link URL. Note that the supported links are ones which point to course content (Assignment, Discussion, etc); the Files tool is not currently supported in this feature update. 

Enhanced Gradebook Filter  

The Canvas Grades tool will allow instructors to create custom filter presets to filter the course Gradebook to display based on certain conditions. With the new filter option, some existing links and tools will move to other areas of the Grades tool. When using Gradebook filters, Gradebook data will remain filtered until the filter is removed. For more information, please refer to Instructure's Overivew video


Google Apps No Longer Available

As of August, Instructure has removed the option to install Google Apps in Canvas courses. The replacement tool is Google Assignments

Grading Scheme Redesign 

In Course Settings, instructors can now access grading schemes in a modal. When a Default Canvas Grading Scheme is available, instructors can make a copy and edit a new grading scheme. Also, when editing assignments, the grading scheme drop-down menu displays and instructors can view/edit individual grading schemes when the Display Grade as Letter grade or GPA Scale is selected. Finally, the Manage All Grading Scheme link text is updated.

Course Extender Tool 

Once a term ends, Canvas courses are only available in read-only mode. The Stanford Canvas team developed a tool which allows instructors to unlock a course without needing to contact Canvas Support. Once unlocked, the course becomes active again. The course will automatically re-open for a week but the instructor can choose a further out date after re-opening. More information can be found in our guide on how to unlock a Canvas course

Calendar Picker for To-Do Items in List View 

When adding to-do items from the Canvas Dashboard List View, the Date field will include a calendar picker icon to indicate the option to select a date from a pop-up calendar. Users can continue to type in a date as well. In addition, the previous and next arrows will be better aligned and when a date is selected, the date of the week will be displayed. 

External Tools Add Rubric Button

Instructors are now able to add assignment rubrics to external tools.

View Gradebook Menu Location and Name Update

When instructors switch between Gradebooks, the View Gradebook Menu displays to the left of the page rather than on the right. Additionally, the main Gradebook is renamed to Traditional Gradebook.

Summer 2023 Canvas Course Creation

Summer 2023 Canvas courses are now available on Canvas. To start building out your course, check out First Steps and Tips. If you are teaching a Summer 2023 course and you confirmed you are listed on Axess but you do not see the course on Canvas, please reach out to

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